
6 April 2016
Collaborative Consumption: A new trend sweeping households but what is it really?
As the world undergoes economic upheavals and conventional notions of financial jurisprudence get debated, many people are endorsing what is being called collaborative consumption. For centuries now, we have approached life with personal pursuits in mind. The objective has been to survive, live without indulging in risks and securing as much resources as one can, […]
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4 April 2016
Saving Tips
If there is one thing that you are always running low on, it is probably money. Between bills and unexpected expenses, it can be really difficult to add to your savings. This means that you need to look for new ways to save. No matter how much money you are saving, it can make a […]
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31 March 2016
When is the Perfect Time to Refinance Your Mortgage Loan?
One of the biggest purchases that you will make in your lifetime is a home. This means that you will likely have to finance the purchase of a home with a mortgage loan. One of the things that you have to understand about mortgage loans is that they come attached with interest rates that can […]
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29 March 2016
Are You Living Paycheque to Paycheque?
Did your car recently breakdown and drain your savings completely? If one small disaster or unexpected expense can cause you to be behind on rent or unable to pay your utility bills, you are one of the many Australians that are living paycheque to paycheque. Most weeks you are able to pay your bills on […]
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21 March 2016
What Is Your Credit Score And Why You Should Know
As you consider the possibility of applying for a loan or for credit, you are inevitably going to want to know about your credit score. This is fair enough, since your credit score is going to play a keen role in the types of loans or credit that are made available to you. In the […]
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17 March 2016
Types Of Interest Rates
The path to securing your loan or credit can seem like an enormously challenging one. This is particularly true for those who have never applied for a loan/credit before. When you consider the list of types of interest rates alone, it’s easy to become a little frustrated. Nonetheless, the more you understand now, the easier […]
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