
11 October 2016
Planning for Retirement: Tips to make sure you get ahead!
Almost 75% of Aussies aged forty-five and working want to retire in five years. By global standards, Aussies are much more in favour of retiring early, surpassed by only Argentina and France. However, harbouring the desire doesn’t imply most people manage to retire by the time they are fifty. Almost half of all those who […]
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6 October 2016
Passive Vs Active Funds: What is the difference?
There are various kinds of funds that you can invest in. You could choose to manage your own funds or you may choose to have a fund manager. There are funds managed by banks, financial services companies, independent fund managers and there are special investment schemes designed by various institutions. You may invest in stocks, […]
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4 October 2016
Money habits to get on a good financial path
Most of us are so accustomed with poor money habits that we don’t even pause for a while to review if we can make a substantial change. And let’s face it – old habits tend to live on, they become hard to break. Let us explore some of these unwise money habits and how we […]
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29 September 2016
Making a Household Budget: Essential to financial planning!
Making a household budget is quintessential to financial planning. It is rather simple to come up with a budget. You have your income, you can make a list of expenses you cannot avoid and then decide how much you wish to save every month. Accordingly, you need to cut corners somewhere, invest your money or […]
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22 September 2016
Know Your Financial Basics
Every working adult should know the financial basics. Very few people are proactively conscious of their financial wellbeing. Financial health is not just about your present income, your monthly expense and if you are living from one pay cheque to another or if you are managing to put aside a few bucks. You need to […]
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15 September 2016
Investing Smart: Learning more about dividends!
Dividends are a part of the profits that a company make in a financial year and decide to share with all its shareholders. Every share or stock has a certain dividend value which is announced at the annual general meeting or the meeting with shareholders. Usually, it is an executive decision with the entire board […]
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